
Ti voglio bene nonno

I'm starting to get back (slowly) into drawing and painting after work. I drew this from one of my favorite photos of Grandpa for my brother Vince's 21st birthday!

This photo was taken when, I believe, he was 20ish. The face I drew resembles more of the Grandpa I always saw. Kind of interesting how that happened even though I was trying really hard to match the photo. Old face, young face, he is still the most handsome grandpa I've ever seen! 
I am so glad his grandchild, even though I got the Italian stubbornness!  :)

Mother's Day Weekend

I know I am a little behind. It took me a few days to get rested up from the busy weekend with the Knutson's and then I had my monthly deadline--where everything is thrown at me last minute and I work my magic to meet the deadline. They think I'm awesome and the clients tells them to pay me more, they agree. Me? I see it as it's my job to meet the unrealistic time lines the sales consultants left me with and more money would be sweet ;) Unfortunately, a raise isn't happening in the near future with this start up company. Until then, I enjoy the laid back, flexible atmosphere for three weeks and one crazy week a month. Not too bad. I'll keep it!

Nate's parents came out Friday before Mother's Day. We enjoyed a relaxing wine tasting before a delicious dinner at Purple. Joan was not a fan of the wine, her hilarious facial expressions were enough to let us know! Rick, being raised on meat and potatoes :), has never tasted a better meat loaf. EVERYTHING we ordered that night was wonderful! Purple is our favorite. If anyone has the pleasure of visiting us, or should I say, if anyone decides to finally come see us, you will get a treat to Purple on us!
Friends, visit us and receive a
FREE delicious dinner at Purple!

You can tell I'm in advertising, I just gave you an offer you can't resist!

Saturday, we did house project and I bought more flowers. oops! ;) I love flowers. I just wish I could make them grow big like my moms. I haven't quite developed my Mom's magical green thumb. This year, I am going to start with remembering to water them. I hear they grow better if they get watered ;) 

Joan talked me into starting a herb garden and tomatoes. I bought a Topsy turny thing for the tomatoes. Problem with that is it is too high for me to water. I have to ask Nate daily to water it for me. I really hope I get tomatoes this year! I hear they are the best tasting tomatoes.

On Sunday we went golfing. First time this year I played 18 holes and kept score, well most of my score ;) We were supposed to be serious, but somehow the father of the group got to take many mulligans. So I started, its only fair! It was a beautiful course. Not really difficult. Joan and I decided we were making it a lot harder than it really was. My putting is far from perfect. I am thankful I am not playing in the Memorial tournament in Glendive this year. I would not be any benefit to the team. Go get 'em Nate! He will be playing with Tia and my cousin Dan from Denver.

My magazine or newspaper shot I did without even trying! Joan didn't know I was taking it. 

My head is still down! I can't remember if this was even a good shot. This was close to the end...I was desperately ready to be done!

Joan wanted to experience the Crab Pot that my parents introduced us to for Mother's Day Dinner.

Yes, this is a typical Rick photo ;) 
Nate threw in the bib--this was after we demolished the little fishies.


It was a fun filled weekend with the Knutson's. They need to come back soon. Whenever they are here the weather is absolutely beautiful! It started to rain Monday when they left--weird, huh? It is a rainy week. I know Joan and Rick would be out here in a heartbeat to change the weather for us ;)


Green Green Grass

I had to post a few pics from the day we had nice sunshine and the first day the dogs could go on the grass. They LOVED it!! The grass is still green. Only a small case of red thread when we got rain constantly for a week. It is all taken care of now. Bridger likes to eat it. Jeter would rather eat crab grass. Thankfully, we can not help him out.

I also planted flowers. You can see them on the patio. I only had one day that may have gotten a little too cold for my fuchsias. One looks a little sick. I am trying to nurse it back to life. Fuchsias are so pretty!

Here are the boys playing in the yard.

Look at that poster dog :)

He laid down as soon as he went outside!

Tons of Sun!