
Happy 2nd Anniversary

Monday we celebrated our 2nd anniversary!! Can you believe we have been married two years?! I keep thinking it has been three with how busy we have been.

We didn't do anything special for our day-- honeymoon year must be over--but we did exactly what we wanted to do! Dinner, tv, then sleep! We arrived home from MT around 1am and started to unload the boat. We were so exhausted for the rest of the day, but Nate did a great job making me feel extra loved for the day! We reminisced about me not wanting to kiss him at the altar and him messing up his lines. I don't think an anniversary will go by without us talking about our special moments!

Here's a pic to remember our special and favorite day!


Mom & Dad visit!!

My parents needed another vacation this summer and what better place to go and who better to see then to see their favorite middle child and son-in-law! They must like us :) They started their vacation slowly staying a night in Bozeman, Coeur d'alene, & Leavenworth. My mom loved Leavenworth! I knew she would. I'm glad they picked that little town to stay the night. They also brought us wonderful meats and cheese from there-- a must whenever Dad visits!

Momma being a beautiful tourist! Coffee is a must.

Tuesday Night Golfing
Nate and I were super excited to take my dad golfing. It was a late, late birthday gift that actually expired, but we extended it for him. 

The floating 18th hole! 
We skipped a few holes and cut in front of a few "pro" lady golfers to play this hole since it was getting late. They said we could 'only if we play fast'.  I probably could have beat those old ladies.

Nate stuck it about 2 ft from the hole. Maybe closer. I didn't walk over there, Dad and I were busy taking photos. Mom was busy looking for State Farm balls. I wonder whose that was ;)

Neat reflection photo with a blessed bunker in the middle. I was in one a hole that day!

Next Activity-- Thursday
Movie night at Redhook Brewery.

This is the HUGE screen.

The movie playing was Sandlot. Probably wasn't the greatest movie to see, but it was all for he experience. Definitely gave my dad some excellent 'people watching' time. We had a lovely 21 year old next to us that he made friends with. He held her beer for her, probably so she could light a cig. Smoking is not allowed, but she obviously didn't care. Very friendly and liked say the f-bomb in casual conversation with her friends. 

Next Activity--Views

Nate golfed this really nice course with his buddies. It has magnificent views of the city and he wanted to show us. I didn't think I would be getting out of the vehicle so I didn't worry about changing. I was wearing lounge wear! Luckily, my dad had a sweatshirt in his rig for me to put on. We both felt really out of place in our "fancy clothes"! I am glad we went, we all enjoyed the last bit of the beautiful sunset.

Next Activity--Landscaping
Nate and Dad went golfing one early morning while I was at work. When Dad went back to the house at about noon and this is what he saw:

I had mentioned to my mom I would like some landscaping done. I had a huge rock in the front yard that I also wanted to use. By golly, she used that huge rock and didn't wait for anyone to help her! If anyone knows my mom, you know she is pretty self sufficient. Here's proof!

Next Activity--Concert at Chateau Ste. Michelle
I only know one song from this guy. My dad played it for me the night before on his ipad while we ate meat and cheese. This was all for the experience too! Mom and I had a blast, probably because wine was involved. Our escorts probably not so much, but another great 'people watching' opportunity. 

1 bottle-Mom & 1 bottle-JJ  :) mmmm!

We got here a little late. Sat in traffic for a long time. This place is only a minute from our house! Great place to check out people's shoes. There was also the VIP only out house next to us. We may have used it a few times ;)

We walked to Redhook for beer and nachos afterwards. Nate was our server only because they stopped serving on the patio. Only in Washington. 

Next Activity-- Senior Open
For as long as I can remember, my dad always talked about Freddie Couples. I finally got to see a pro golfer, in person! It was the coolest experience. I will admit, golf on tv is the best nap time with my dad, so I didn't know what to think about going and watching it in person. I loved it! Mom and Dad went during practice to scope out the course for us and snap a few photos since we couldn't bring cameras or phones to the actual tournament.

Thanks for the tickets, parents!!

That sign must have been on a hill ;)

Dad breaking in our seats. We sat here for a long time on Saturday. They also got to witness how crazy Washington people are ;)

This is the 8th hole that we watched. 

Then we went for a walk and found this awesome space to sit on our blanket while we waited for them to come. More space and front row. Best spots on the course! That's Freddie!! 

 Mom and Dad left Sunday so Nate and I walked all over the course to see some drives and putts on most of the holes. Dad found an awesome hill side on the 16th hole while we were re-watching Saturdays round on tv. I was determined to find it and sure enough there we are! TV again! I am to the left of Freddie's fore arm. Nate is to the left of me. 

This is the high five right after Freddie made a really long putt, like 20 ft. It was the awesomest (yes, that is in my vocab) thing to witness! We both got chills....ooooohh!!! I loved it! I will definitely go watch golf again. 

Thank you Mom and Dad for another fun week while you guys were here. There wasn't a dull moment the entire time they were here. I love you! Come back real soon!!


Going back a few months

My very faithful reader reminded me I have not posted photos of our super fun Memorial vacation in GLENDIVE!! I can't believe I didn't post it either. It is only my favorite holiday after Christmas, of course.

Golfing is a big deal during this trip. Nate golfed with my dad & uncles Friday in Miles City. If I remember right, he won something but gave it to my dad. He's so sweet. Then Saturday and Sunday he golfed with Cousin Dan and Tia. He won again! Longest drive and closest to pin. Woo Hoo!!

You'll never guess, but my only photos of the trip are in the car of {you guessed it} MY DOGS! :) I know all of you LOVE seeing photos of my pups so here you are! I also took some off my cousins facebook and picassa so you can see a slice of our family love :) ***My dad helped me add more family love photos. What a blog-saver! ***

One morning I was getting ready at the house by myself {most everyone knows I do not do well when I am by myself, a little fear of mine} and Jeter just started barking like crazy. My heart was out of my chest! I went to find and there he was, staring out the upstairs window (his favorite thing to do) barking at my Mom's favorite visitors {mainly their little presents they leave her, kidding} After my heart went back inside my chest I did what every city person does. I grabbed my camera and took photos! You'd think I've never seen a deer before ;)

{dad, I think you need to do something about your dead spots}

A better photo of the painting I did for my dad.

I don't know why, but I love the shape, texture and the character I interpret from a dogs mouth. 
Bridger's is extremely funny to me.

He loves photos with me :)

Jeter is the best travel dog. This is what he does the ENTIRE time. I always wish Bridger would do it for at least a quarter of the trip. No such luck.

My first rain barrel I painted for Mom from us kids! She loved it! 

Nate chipping. Tia observing.

She loves the babies!

Napping in the middle of the day, it runs in the family :)

Grandma LOVES her g-grandbabies!

Just the lucky ones made this photo-op, not everyone is present. 
Note: that is my cousin next to Nate at the top, not me!

 Dan's girlfriend stands out like a sore thumb in our family. 
Take a look at what is behind her waist :) 

Who knows what they were doing here.

My two aunts are special and so are their daughters!

The cutest 2nd cousins in the world!

Gotta have ribs.

My two favorite love birds. Hopefully, we didn't scare Lena away. She is an amazing lady and a perfect match for my little brother! I hope she can visit again at Christmas.

More two love birds. 

Joey loves playing with my dad

Tia and Jake in deep convo with Uncle Mike. 

My fun loving husband. He's the greatest!

My twin cousin's, Brandi, little girl, Bella. Isn't she a doll! She looks just like her mom at this age. She is warming up to Uncle Jay now.

The two farm lovebirds! Their busy with peas and wheat this year and loving on a new kitty. Never thought my sis would own a kitty, but she does and loves it! I think she does because it kills the mice ;)

I love my husband! He asked if he could hold baby Lucianna. He's so sweet!

My dad and I love how "fatherly" Nate is in the background ;)

Conversation in the kitchen with food in one hand and Mike's Marg in the other is a must!

Pig's Butt

Dad's cooking is what we really look forward to the most! Nate is starting to request food when we go home. I always leave ten pounds heavier, but that's ok. I was taught by my very intelligent grandpa to enjoy every bit that goes into my mouth. Even if it is just a slice of bread wrapped around a hunk of meat loaf :) -- If my dad was going to make me lunch during high school, this is what his special treat was. Secretly, I really enjoyed it because he would add ketchup! YUMM-O

The Italian Stallions relaxing with their babes! 

This is a storm chaser vehicle that stayed in Glendive for a few nights or one night. (I have a very bad memory!) I can't remember where they were from. My parents talked to them for a long time and learned all the interesting facts. There is an actual pickup under there! If you all remember, there were tornadoes through MT around this time. Scary!

Another successful Memorial with tons of golf, love and food. Can't wait for next year!! Maybe I'll take some photos of my own ;)