
To the Zoo we go!

Nate and I haven't had a lot of quality time lately since he has been studying and working for the Oct. 15th deadline. { I had no idea there was such a thing until this year} Last Sunday he decided to plan a surprise day for me! We went out to a local small breakfast place in Ballard. Then, I thought we were going to go shopping for vehicles but we ended up at the zoo!!

I have been asking Nate to take me there forever! {His work has passes :) } I was so excited! I was like a little kid again! I love watching the chimps and gorillas. I could sit and watch them all day long!

We got to the zoo right when it opened. Good to avoid the crowds, but bad because some animals were still sleeping.

Feeding time for the hippos

The next photos are a series from the lion's den!! 

The male came out of the den and scared the female away while she was eating.

Then he smelled us!

My heart was beating so fast! His breath fogged the window. Scary, but so cute!

Old wrinkly butt

Showing us his food

Why would we want a photo of a grizzly?
Poor Grizzles :D

The rest are photos of our favorite animals to watch. 
The baby gorilla was putting a show on the entire time!

The old man. Only showed us his back side

the baby put a sack on his head and was swinging around

the baby

eating a stick

old man taking a nap

Then our journey came to an end at the zoo. Nate had to drag me away from the gorillas, but I was VERY thankful he surprised me with a trip to the zoo! Husbands are great! :D


Topsy Turvy

Nate and I were really liking tomatoes so I thought I would grow my own this summer. Little did I know, they take FOREVER to grow out here! Started in April. Picked in October

What do you think of these beauties?

They barely turned red. I picked these when the plant was already dead. My dad said they would turn red by the window from the sun. I don't think they will be turning red with the lack of sun we have. 

Also, I am afraid to eat them. There were a lot of spiders living around the plant.  

Maybe better luck next year? Nah, I think the grocery store is still going to get my business. :)


Best Breakfast Ever!

Look at what this good wife made for her husband!

Homemade hash browns and lean turkey sausages. yumm..

I had to capture his happiness. Unfortunately, he wasn't at the time I snapped the photo. 

Love you Nate! :)