
It was a sign

In case all of you were wondering or even read my post about my naughty dog-- my totally rad, super cute husband found out at 5:28 AM {he couldn't sleep} last Tuesday that he passed his CPA tests!!! YAHOOOOOOO.

Next time I see a photo like this...
{Nate's CPA study DVD's}

I am going to believe it is a sign.

Maybe I should leave a box of feminine products within reach of him?! ;)


Going Camping

Today was a really productive day at work...

I create 4 of these puppies 
{pop-up paper thingamagigs}

while sitting in my new chair!
{of course, after my important work was done}

I came across this sweet paper camping set. The creative geniuses at Curiosity Group created a calendar of the month. You bet I signed up for the email notice to print a new one every month! I might even go back a few months for some extra fun! :)

My mom and I found this beauty of a chair at a gently used executive store. She wiped out the slip cover in no time. 

Everyone is jealous-- 
all FOUR of my co-workers ;)


Arcade Fun

Some nights Nate and I like to cut loose. By "cutting loose" I mean taking our friends and relatives to dinner in Bellevue and maybe popping over to Lucky Strike.

Nate's aunt Bonnie and uncle Gregg came out to celebrate her birthday and run a marathon in April. It was a successful weekend for her-- won the marathon for her age group and beat her personal best! She is a beast! We ended the successful day with a little trip to Lucky Strike.

We also took our new friends, Eric and Korrin, a different night. 

{This game is the pretty much the only fun game...don't tell Nate ;)}


Dressed Up

Last weekend we cleaned up after a day in the yard to attend Nate's co-workers wedding. It was a BEAUTIFUL day out! The wedding was a the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. Wonderful view. Awesome glass! Of course I didn't take very many photos. Here are the only ones I snapped.

Mt. Rainier

The happy couple!

Sping Flowers

It was a beautiful morning last Friday so I took the opportunity to take a photo of my front flowers. 

And the gross front yard Nate and I have been hackin' at. 

{weeds in process of dieing}

{the black stuff is the moss we killed. We aren't a typical Washingtonian, we like GRASS instead of moss for our yards. No joke, our neighbors yard is moss with a few shoots of grass in random places.}

We removed all the stumps and spidering twigs this week. Exhausting! Leveling the soil and planting seed this weekend. My mom is coming out next week to help me landscape along with my laundry list of crafts I would like to do! Hopefully I can keep up with her!

Can't wait to have a nice, updated front yard! 

Pics to come, of course ;)