
Front yard transformation

Here are the long awaited photos of our hard work. Let me tell you; the work is tough but worth it! Especially shoveling, wheeling and raking 15 yards of soil!! If you don't know how much that is, look at the giant pile below. Luckily, we were able to get the driver to dump it in the middle of the yard!

Big Dirt Pile


June 11, 2011


{didn't get any photos of them actually being planted. Mom was rocking it during the day while we were at work}

First Sprouts 6 days later!
June 17, 2011

The next are June 19th, 2011

{Peat moss helps keep the seeds moist. Important for growing grass from seed.}

This transformation wouldn't have gotten done if I didn't have Nate's muscles or my mom's sweet planting skills. Both were a huge help! Thank you mom for coming out and helping us! 

Next post...the before & after shots of our front yard...gasp!!