
I'm a Coach!

I just wanted to inform everyone of my new adventure. Has anyone seen those infomercials in the early morning with all the weight loss transformations? Did they make you want to buy them? Well I did a few years ago and they have been the best infomercial purchase!

I'm kind of a slacker when I finally decide to workout, but the workout I purchased, ChaLEAN, you can't be a slacker. The trainer, Chalean Johnson, is so motivational, uplifting, and makes you want to push yourself. I get a better workout from these videos than I ever did with the hours spent at the gym. I have been doing Turbo Jam for years and started ChaLEAN at the beginning of the year. Nate has been doing P90X when he finds the time between work and studying. He definitely feels the burn the next day :) WE LOVE,  LOVE these workouts because we can do them at home at our leisure and we feel so great afterwards!

****Just an editors note, we haven't been religious about these workouts so our bodies aren't as hard as they should be for how long we have been doing them. When we do finally decide to press play we feel wonderful! We are trying our hardest to make a better commitment this summer :)

I will tell you, since mid-January Nate has lost 20 lbs and I have lost 14lbs to date!! ---the dreaded newlywed weight gain. Well I don't know if people normally get that, but we sure did.

When Jaimee first moved out here I was telling her about these work out videos. She got so excited and told me she got sucked into the infomercial one early in the morning too. She bought Brazil Butt Lift. We shook our "bum bum" on Tuesday...oh man, the gluets were burning! She also loves the ChaLEAN and is going to purchase it soon!

If you are interested in a new, fun, workout that really works, let me know- I will show you what you should get! They are worth every penny! These do not compare to the workout videos sold in stores. Trust me.

Check out my website-- Beach Body Coach---- Beach Body is the company that sells and markets all the videos.


Half Marathon

Nate and I decided we needed a goal, a healthy goal, so we came up with the idea of running a half marathon.  We had asked Jaimee if she wanted to join since she was going to be out here. She is also an experienced runner -- piece of cake for her!! Nate and I were doing great training together, but half way through, Nate injured his fascia (thanks to Jaimee I now know what a few things in body are!) so he had to stop training. I continued with the training in WA and Jaimee in MT.

June 6, 2010---half marathon day!!

Our adventure started nice and early...left the house at 4:45AM! to catch the ferry in Anacortes. First ferry ride for Jaimee! What a lovely day we had...not!

Anacortes, wa

On the ferry - 6:25AM

Drinking coffee to get some energy. 
We were passed out within 20 mins.


YEAH!! We finished! 

It was a great, beautiful, HILLY run. Jaimes and I ran together until mile 10 when an 11 year old passed us. Jaimee's competitive nature kicked in and I said 'see ya at the finish line!' :) I was also about done running by that point. Still don't know what kept me going to the end. Maybe the wonderful Mimosa at the restaurant after? ;)

Raspberry mimosa? Can't remember, but everyone in the restaurant that ran the race was drinking them!

We got done just in time for the rain to start.

Onto the next bar while we wait for the ferry. 

WA Lottery

Pull Tabs. I thought they were a stupid way to gamble.

Until we won $20!!!!

What a great experience to share with Jaimee! Couldn't have had a better friend to share such a huge personal accomplishment with!! Great memories!

Our new roomie, Jaimee!!

Nate and I have had the pleasure of having our dearest friend Jaimee stay with us for 7 weeks while she completes her first physical therapy clinical in Redmond!

We started her adventure with a welcoming party with other Montana peeps that live in Seattle now and a friendly game of flip cup!


Happy Birthday...or Father's Day!

If anyone knows me, they know my art projects take a little longer than they should. I chalked it up to me being a perfectionist. Perfectionist you ask after seeing my bedroom -- yes, I do have an perfectionist side and you will only see it when I do my art and when I cook. Everything has to be chopped ever so neatly! :)

Here is a photo of proud dad, his painting and me. It is my brother and him fishing in Alaska. Not as beautiful as the photo, but I tried my best! This was for his March birthday that he received in May. He still loves me!

I will put up a better photo when I remember to bring my camera to work. That's where I am supposed to be blogging, right? ;)