
Tia's Wedding :: Cancun: part 1

Oh my gosh! 
 We were so excited to leave this:

to go to this!!!

After our plane delay 
{supposed to leave Thursday at midnight. Didn't take off until Saturday morning!}

We made it to warm weather!!
Nate and I started the vacation just the two of us in Cancun. Thankfully, we were able to get reimbursed for a missed night. We only stayed one night here, but it was enough sunshine for this pasty Seattle girl to turn into a lobster with sunscreen applied!

I stayed in this spot pretty much the entire day. My husband was being such a good husband and always offering to go get us drinks so I never had a chance to get some shade. Little did I know, every time he went back he chugged a beer or two! When am I going to remember that when he is being "good" and "quiet" he is being mischievous! It's funny that 'little boy Nate' is still in his mind but in a grown up way :)  

After I was lobstered up, we ventured on over to Tia's resort. 
Oh my! Was it just the most beautiful place ever! She picked the best place in Cancun to have her wedding. So peaceful, all inclusive, with excellent alcohol, great customer service, and just down right fun!

I also forgot to take photos most of the time. Lucky for us, my auntie Gwyn came along. She captures everything for us! 

Stay tuned. More to come...

Dessert :: Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Boy oh boy! These are just dangerously delicious! I've been wanting to make these for a few weeks. I researched a lot of different whoopie pie recipes and this one seemed to be the best.

I did use half whole wheat flour and half regular. I really wanted to do the entire batch with whole wheat but I was afraid. It also calls for a cup of oil. I thought about doing the 'ol switch-a-roo and use applesauce, but I chickened out. Since I made them this way once and they were awesome,  I will experiment with the applesauce next time. You have to try these! You won't be able to eat just one!

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Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with Cream Cheese Filling {recipe copied from here}
Makes 12-14

3 cups AP Flour
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon ground cloves

1 cup brown sugar
1 cup Splenda (use could white sugar if you like)
1 cup vegetable oil
1 - 15 oz. can of pumpkin
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Beat together brown sugar, Splenda, oil and pumpkin. Add eggs one at time, mixing well after each addition, followed by the vanilla. In a separate bowl, shift together the dry ingredients. Slowly incorporate the dry ingredients into the wet until just combined. 

Line cookie sheet with wax or parchment paper. Using a pastry bag with a round tip, or a big zip top plastic bag with one corner snipped, squeeze out concentric circles of batter, starting from the middle and working outward until the circles are about 2 inches in diameter. Bake for 11 minutes and cool on a rack.

Cream Cheese Filling
1 - 8 oz. package of cream cheese, softened
1 stick of unsalted butter, room temperature
1 - 16 oz. package of powdered sugar
about a capful of vanilla extract
a pinch of cinnamon (to taste)

Beat together cream cheese and butter. Add powdered sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Frost flat side of half the pies and top with another piece. 

Enjoy right away or chill overnight.

Baby:: 37 Weeks

I made it to 37 weeks last week! 

I am ready for her to come out. I am now getting the sciatica pain which is not fun. I've been doing some stretches to avoid it thus far, but she has other plans. Or it could be the 4 hours I was standing/leaning over the counter tiling our bathroom backsplash; which looks great! Well worth the stupid aches I got. Nothing a heating pad can't fix and I am feeling better today!

I also had another pregnancy joy - cankles! Thankfully it lasted only two days. :) Maybe too much garlic salt on my bread, but it tasted so good!

We only have two weeks left until her due date and we are now ready. Bags packed and the necessities are purchased. She can come any day now and we won't be mad :)



Not the best photo, but it just makes me smile when I take a break from working and see these two. Brotherly love ;)



I cooked two meatless recipes this week that I found via Pinterest. Very delish! The leftovers are even yummy.  Definitely going to keep these recipes handy.

mexican stuffed peppers with quinoa & black beans

photo: via 

Garden-Style Lasagna

photo: via