

I know I have been bad at updating this wonderful blog, but I will give you a quick one right now. :)

Thanksgiving was celebrated in wonderful Texas visiting Jake. While down there we were able to see the Texas rivalry--Texas vs. Texas A&M. Not quite like a MT rivalry, but still fun! We started tailgating around noon, had a yummy Thanksgiving dinner (turkey and all!), watched the great game, and finally left the football field at midnight. I got my football fix for the year! Joan has the photos from the game. Too much maroon to show on here for me :)

We were fortunate to have another Thanksgiving dinner as Jake's friend's house as well as make a trip to Austin. Here are the only picture from our camera. Kind of sad.

First, is 6th Street in Austin and the rest are from the empty airport. We took the late flight to same some $$$



Since I am now unemployed I have had some awesome spare time to do house stuff. The last few weeks we have been scraping popcorn ceilings, spraying the ceilings, painting and getting NEW windows!! The new windows were installed today in a very cold house. We only got two hours to stare at the beauties before it turned dark. Now we will have to wait a whole week to see them again in daylight. I am hoping the house temperature is more stable with a cheaper bill :)

We leave for the airport tomorrow at 3:45 AM for College Station, TX. Going to spend Thanksgiving with Jake, Joan and Rick in the south. I can't wait--I've never been to TX! We get back at 1 AM on the 30th.

Here are a few pics of what has been keeping us busy! More to come later.

Bridger loves to cuddle. Whenever he sees one of us get comfy on the couch, he is right there making him self comfy as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Gobble Gobble!


Tree Triming

We had a few dead trees and a really huge bush covering our front window. It was time to get rid of them. Here are the before and after shots.

The guard dogs

We then took our branches to the Bellevue Transfer Station. I assumed it was going to be a dump like Glendive, not exactly. Here is the "city" dump :)

These are the trailers you dump your stuff in.
The semis drive under the building in the middle. We unloaded on the upper left side.

It smelled so bad! Here is the hole we dumped in. The yellow cords were annoying to go around. I guess they are for safety!

Nate said he would do yard work more often since he could watch the game at the same time :)

Happy Halloween!!!

To start out our wonderful day, Nate surprised me with tickets to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. What a great husband :) The show was just o.k. Not what we expected, but the singing was amazing!!

This year I got to choose what Nate and I were going to dress up as. I also chose to make them---what was I thinking!?

Bridger helping by turning the costume gold :)

I guess Nate and I didn't take an actual photo together on our camera. Here are two photos to give you full body shots.

Check out the awesome spray job Nate did :) Since I have a TON of hair, I decided to style my own Wilma hair. It was soo puffy and once Nate sprayed the orange hair color it flattened and hardened a bit. One of our friends referred to it as a Cheeto-- must have been hungry :)

Here we are with our crazy friends we hang out with out here, minus Becky, the photographer. I do have to let you know, we made it home with our costumes in one piece!

Go Cats!

Nate and I met Joan and Rick in Spokane for the Cat game. It was a quick, fun weekend. Would have been better if the refs didn't loose the game for us. Terrible call!! We sure miss watching the Cats play. But don't worry, Nate makes sure we watch all the Seattle games we can to make up for them.

Yep, first time we pulled out the heavy winter coats! Good choice on my part since we had hail during the game. I did miss it, until I had to experience it during the game :)

Nate just called it a game of 5 different weathers: cold, windy, sunny, hail, rain....lovely!


Bridger Graduated!

Tonight was the last night for Bridger's puppy obedience class. It was for him just as much as it was for us. Everyone says Goldens are the favorite family dog, but they are not the trainer's favorite dog. They win everyone over with their charm and don't listen right away. Just look at Jeter, best looking dog and gets away with everything--he trained us :)

This class was much better that the class Jeter was enrolled in. Bridger was used during class multiply times to show how to correct what your dog is doing wrong. You would think he would be the best dog in class with all that extra practice with the trainer--not a chance! He is stubborn but we beat him with our patience!

Here is proof of his achievement!

This is what the two do most of the nights -- fight over bones.

One day the two hellians destroyed a goose that Vince bought Jeter. A week later we found this in some of Bridger's puke. We still don't know how long it was in his stomach. There was grass and twigs packaged tightly in the screw. Nasty!!


Pumpkin Carving

The rain stopped us from going to the pumpkin patch and corn maze, but it didn't stop our carving! We had a few of our friends over to enjoy some food, football, and carving.

Of course Nate would think his pumpkin was the best because he was the first one finished. I'll let you be the judge :)

Mine --puppy paws, Jeter & Bridger and the feet--JJ & Nate
Nate -- circle face
Jaci--two scary eyes
Conrad--wolf man
Happy Halloween!!

Here we are!

We have been so busy and keeping up with everyone in our family has been tough. We thought a blog would be a great way for all our family members to see what we have been up to. So, here we are!