
Lake time with the Knutsons!!

Our favorite time of the year! We spent a WEEK in the most beautiful place in the US - can you believe we were there that long?! It was very relaxing with morning jogs/walk, great family conversation, sun, boat, games and of course wonderful food!!

Bonnie took Tara and I out on a horse ride. I haven't been on a horse since I was wee little. It was A LOT of fun. I am glad her horse is so calm otherwise I might have been a bit scared! (the older I get the more of a weinnie I become-Nate dislikes!)

At the Raven for anniversary dinner 
Bonnie & Greg and Joan & Rick

My cute in-laws :)

Just beautiful!!

so handsome (and so happy he is on the lake!!)

Reenie came to check out the "kids"

Grandma Alice's wind sock (Joan's Mom)
If I heard right, that wind sock hung next to the basement stairs, inside. Good place for it ;)

Poor Tara had a boot. She couldn't have any fun in the water. :(

A wonderful, RELAXING week on the water. Our favorite type of vacation!

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