
Bobcat Play off game

We decided we couldn't miss out on the opportunity to see our Bobcats play. Plus, we got to see both set of parents!!! Decent roads, cold snow, family & friends! Loved it all!

Casey, Cole {aka clifford, from casey} & Nate

I look like I grew a few inches next to jaimee, i wish!

Helmet Heads were ready to cheer on the Cats!

I didn't get the memo on the sunglasses. Out of practice ;)
The boys "stand out" from the rest of us. 

Enjoying the game with the moms! {bright sun}


Go Cat Dancers!!!

I love how my husband grew up in Bozeman and can still appreciate its beauty.

We wish the turnout was different, but they guys played their hearts out. They had an awesome year and our stadium gets an expansion! Quick trip, but well worth it. 

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