
Busy Busy!

I have been swamped {in a good way!} with freelance work this week. Luckily, Nate is out of town so I am not sacrificing my time with him.

One of my assignments this week was to redesign a t-shirt. It wasn't a top priority to my client, but I mentioned I would love to do it for them. I drew up a few ideas yesterday; wasn't completely happy with them.

10:30 pm and two glasses of wine ingested, I decided to give it one last hurrah for the night.

Here is the before

{printed on navy. the pink is white ink}


{Printed on gray t-shirts}

Nate helped me with the addition of black in certain areas. He is the t-shirt king and very good at telling me things to change with my work to make them better. :)

Can't wait to see them printed! 

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