
Cute Doggies

Thought I would share two of my favorite recent photos of our doggies.  

 I said "cheese" and this is what I got...!
you can't train that--they are naturals ;)

Bridger turned 2 on March 13th. 
Jeter wanted in the picture but said no to the hat; yes to a treat.

I know no one else thinks they are as cute as Nate and I think {ok, maybe my mom and Joan :) }
They are the best dogs and it is so wonderful coming home after work to two happy dogs at the door waiting for a us. They put a smile on our face everyday and tell us 'Don't worry, be happy' :D

Stay tuned for wrap up on Vince's & Lena's trip to Seattle!
{once I get my life/photos in order}

1 comment:

  1. JJ, your dogs are the greatest but I'm getting sore from sitting on the edge of my seat waiting on these great pictures!
