
Wine Tasting

About a year ago I bought a great deal to do wine tasting with the wine maker/owner at Covington Cellars through LivingSocial. We even got to taste straight from the barrel. It was excellent! The tasting room paired their wines with some apps. Of course we waited until the last week the coupon was valid, but it was definitely worth the date night with the hubs!

 (sorry the pics are bad and I didn't want to waste more time fixing them ;) )

Four different varieties to drink in the same order as the food.
 Left to right.

Dandelion soup (surprisingly really delicious) 
 fancy meatball 
 Quail egg and prosciutto (kinda yuck lingering taste-washed it down with wine!)
 Bison burger (I think)
For the most part everything was delicious!!

One of the many rows of barrels. Do you know that one barrel costs about $1300!!
He also told us about all the different types of wood and where they are made make certain kind of wine. Seems like some tedious work!

Nice, dark intimate area :)

Final glass of wine!

For $35 we got:
2 glasses of barrel wine
8 samples of wine
8 apps
2 full glasses of our favorite

Talk about a sweet deal. So who wants to come visit?! ;)


Introducing Emersyn Rae Huber

My friend Jessie (Reynolds) Huber had her baby yesterday! 

They waited to find out the sex of the baby... 

It's a girl!

Emersyn Rae Huber
6 lbs. 5 oz. 

The happy family! 
Travis, Jessie & Emersyn

Congratulations Hubers! She is adorable!

Hoping it's a sign

I told myself I was going to do 1 post a day to catch up on what I have not posted. I unloaded my camera on my computer last week and noticed Valentine's Day was not posted...it's been a loooong time!!

This post is not something from a looong time ago. Actually, just yesterday.  I am showing you a few recent photos of my lovely Bridger. Nate and I were gone last weekend and I am thinking he is still mad at us. He has chewed up something everyday since. Except for the one day I stuck him in the little 3ft x 3ft hallway. Needless to say, he was placed there this morning.

The little stinker just HAD to get in the photo. 

He does NOT look cute...ok, maybe just a little ;)

The ball and bone were not touched all day. 
That is where they were when I left.

You're probably wondering where the title of this post comes from. Well, the discs he chewed up are Nate's CPA study exam DVDs. I am hoping it is a sign he PASSED! We won't find out until next month. Fingers crossed!  


Happy 30th Anniversary Mom & Dad

No couple knows how or vacations like my 'rents do! They just celebrated their 30th May 9th in Jamaica. From the photos my dad sent while they were away I was growing more and more envious every day. They have a great time relaxing and wondering the area. Plus, get a great tan!

Their 25th was spent WITH ME in Italy. Obviously, that was their favorite vacation thus far! {sorry Tia & Vince :p}

Check out what 30 BLISSFUL years look like with the man/woman of your dreams:

May 9th, 1981

This is my cousin Gary who now works for my dad.
Dad claims Gary has always had to be around Uncle Jay ;)

Dad with his parents. I wonder if Grandma still has that dress; I would like to wear it!

Mom looks so angelic and Dad has sweet chops and a stash ;)


30 years later...lookin' good

Hot Momma!

What great parents I have. I had great role models of what a successful marry entails. I never doubted their love for one another. 

One of my favorite memories of my Mom & Dad growing up is my dad eggin' my sister on.....
He would kiss, hold hands, and playfully pinch mom's butt. A teenage Tia would get disgusted and pretend she wasn't part of our family. My mom would have the BIGGEST grin on her face as did my dad while he was chuckling :D

 I hope Nate and I can use one of their secrets often; taking only "Mommy and Daddy" trips every year or so. It is definitely important to remember to give each other love & attention after kids and keep the spark alive. :)

Glad to have them back; nine days is a long time to not talk to them on the phone! Love you both!!