
Hoping it's a sign

I told myself I was going to do 1 post a day to catch up on what I have not posted. I unloaded my camera on my computer last week and noticed Valentine's Day was not posted...it's been a loooong time!!

This post is not something from a looong time ago. Actually, just yesterday.  I am showing you a few recent photos of my lovely Bridger. Nate and I were gone last weekend and I am thinking he is still mad at us. He has chewed up something everyday since. Except for the one day I stuck him in the little 3ft x 3ft hallway. Needless to say, he was placed there this morning.

The little stinker just HAD to get in the photo. 

He does NOT look cute...ok, maybe just a little ;)

The ball and bone were not touched all day. 
That is where they were when I left.

You're probably wondering where the title of this post comes from. Well, the discs he chewed up are Nate's CPA study exam DVDs. I am hoping it is a sign he PASSED! We won't find out until next month. Fingers crossed!  

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