
Couples Retreat

In August we met the Turley's at Flathead lake for some R&R. It was much needed and so so much fun!

Last year we had the siblings with us, but this year it didn't work out for them so we kept it just the four of us. :)

I had the boys do some testing for me for a photo shoot. 
I am so thankful they are good friends like Jaime and I!

Beautiful MT sunset

The newlyweds!

Nate and his dogs!

Poor Nate had a case of his trigger headaches while we were there. :(

We LOVE the sun!

This is the only way I get in the photos. So attractive, i know.

There were some more crazy boating photos that aren't WORLD wide web approved. 
I'll keep the bikini photos private :) Just know we had a ton of fun!

Naughty dogs! 
We went out for a stroll and this is where they thought their bed was. It was too cute not to take a photo before I disciplined :) My heart melts when they cuddle. 

Can't wait for next year. We've made it a two year tradition so far. I DON'T want my Turley time to end!

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