
Sitting on the floor

We had a naughty dog last week. He decided to tear through the amazon box and then proceeded to open 6 protein shakes. Dark chocolate mind you. He also chose to do it on a night we were given tickets to a play.

Since the shakes were dark chocolate I had to force him to puke. With hydrogen peroxide. Piece of cake. He slurped it right up!

I wasn't sure if Jeter had any so he was up next. I had a feeling he wasn't part of the mess. Sure enough, he was just miserable when I forced him to puke :( Nothing.

No play for us. We had to keep an eye on our dogs and think about new carpet.

Tonight, we sit on the floor watching tv. Our furniture is in the garage because we are getting carpet installed tomorrow. I keep reminiscing about the days when we moved in. This place was bare and we were giddy about making this place our home. It is our home!

I can't wait for the furniture to be back in place. The floor is kind of hard and this does not feel like home! I want my cozy :)

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