Everyone in Montana may think this is odd, but I absolutely love it and take full advantage of ..... a SNOW DAY!!!! Snow days happen in Seattle with 1-2 inches of snow. Midwest folks may find it hilarious, but actually, there are a lot of hills out here and TERRIBLE drivers. Seattle doesn't have many plow trucks - not much use for them.
I woke up nice and early Monday morning and saw the skiff of snow :D
7:00 AM
The dogs were SOO excited, hence Bridger's tail
They did not want to come in.
Too cute not to post! He was eating the snow.
Meanwhile, Nate was passed out on the chair. He had a tooth implant procedure done and couldn't enjoy the snow with us.
Dogs took a snooze after the running around outside.
9:00 pm
Then, we used a leaf blower to shovel. :D I don't think our shovels made it out here with us.
It's amazing what the snow did to me. I woke up feeling so refreshed, in a really great mood, motivated, and I took the dogs to the park for an hour or so...in the cold & snow!! My brain must have thought I was back home because I loved every minute the snow was here.
Phil called me Monday night and said not to go in because it would be a mess on the freeway. He had just spend 2+ hours getting his son unstuck on a side road. I wasn't going to argue. More time at home with my pups and Nate! Nate and I feel we can drive in the snow out here. We just don't because out of fear of the other drivers. It really is scary! They just don't think!
Since I was in a great mood or more like "Suzy Homemaker", I baked chocolate chip cookies! I was craving my friend's, Kim, cookies. Luckily, she taught me how to make them. Still not the same, but really delicious! {they sure beat my cookies that included powdered sugar instead of flour, oops!}
This is Bridger's new trick! He stays out of the kitchen while I cook!! I got so tired of tripping on him or him pushing my leg aside so he could get a bread crumb. He does so well. All I say is "out" with my hand pointing and he goes to the carpet. :D
And there ends my perfect snow day!
{Little did I know it was actually going to last all week!!!!!!}