
Bridger Graduated...Again!

Bridger has not been a very good little puppy. I thought he needed some more training, positive training this time. Surprising, it worked! He listens to commands better and is a little bit calmer.

Old Man

His yummy treat from the dog trainer

I am mean, but look how disciplined he is!

Half a second later Jeter snatched the treat!!! Sneaky old man!
 He was tired of waiting.
 I retrieved it and gave it to Bridger :)

Baby Cooper

One of our friends (Nate's co-work/manager :) ) is going to have a baby real soon! During my "me" time I decided to use my handy dandy sewing machine and whip up a few items for him.

"Whip" isn't exactly how it went. If it was my mom, yes, whip would work :) But I did get it done before the baby was born. A success in my book!!

Seattle Seahawk Season Opener

Football season has started!!!! I am only excited because now I get "me" time to do whatever I want while Nate is into his games :)

When Nate and I were little we both happened to be 49er fans and the season opener was against them! Nate searched for sweet tickets and of course he came out with more than sweet tickets!! He is so awesome at looking for deals. We had club level seats for $32! We purchased the tickets as a set of 4 and sold 2 to some college kids. I feel bad-- they pretty much paid for us to attend the game.

We didn't know who to cheer for and didn't want to get beat up by some Seahawk fans so we went neutral.  The Seahawks came out with the W!!!!

 The crowd in front of us

and behind us. So many people!!!

 The terrible straight lines. They were adults!

We were wearing blue and green so we were kind of going for the Seahawks. Our friends wouldn't have been happy if we cheered for the 9ers :)



After talking with Nate this weekend, he made mention to one of my posts. We did not go to an oldie movie-- the Incredibles, we went to Despicable Me. My migraine was not completely gone during my posting. Anyways, it was a great movie and yes, I did fall asleep for a few moments ;)

Since he found an error, I am supposed to teach him how to post now. :)

Thanks for reading my posts, Nate!


Just Nate and I

Nate planned a little date night for just the two of us...no dogs. teehee! We went out for pizza {my fav!} and then watched The Incredibles in 3-D! We were incredibly -ha, no pun intended- early to the movie so we played video games like we were little kids again!

Nate killing it on the pinball machine!

In case you were wondering why I am never in any pictures, the two below will explain.

I was killing Nate in pinball and I wanted him to capture it. --for blog's sake--
Let's just say, 'better luck next time!'

Looking ever so handsome with the glasses!

My Awesome Anniversary Flowers!! I just love the colors!

They made it 3 weeks! I just threw them out yesterday. 
Could have made it a few more days, but I was cleaning :)

I love you, Nate!! Thank you for the best 2 years ever!
 Never a dull moment ;)

Becky's birthday bash!

Finally a weekend came that most of our friends were home and we had a wonderful reason to party! Becky's birthday!! woo hoo!! We had an excellent time catching up with everyone and playing games. Badminton anyone? ;)

The birthday girl! 

{You can see the tropical plant on the left}

She remembered to bring her 'birthday girl' mug I painted her last year!

I may have put trick candles on there ;)

Tall peeps in the back ;) 

{check out my flowers :) }

Jeter loves the hat!

Happy Birthday, Becky!! Another successful taco feed to celebrate you!! 

Fun in the Sun

Nate and I finally had a few weekends to enjoy each other's company with our dogs. One weekend in August it was in the 100's. The dogs were panting so we decided to find some water. We drove about 20 mins to a lake. It was packed. So we drove another exit to a river and found a nice little quiet spot for just us. The dogs loved it!

Another weekend we decided to take the boat out. It was quite gloomy. We were 1 of about 10 boats on the lake, but Nate was determined to be on the water. We were glad we stuck it out because it did get nice and hot.

We strapped them in. Jeter wouldn't jump in, but we had no idea what dare devil Bridger would do.

Isn't he so handsome :) He's lovin' being on a boat!

His ears were flapping in the wind! 

Family photo with blue sky!

Bridger always thinks the best seat is right on Jeter. 

Happy dog!

Yes, I take a lot of photos of my dogs. :) They are just so funny and keep us entertained!