
Rain Rain Go Away!

Seattle rain has come and it looks like it is here to stay. :(

I am sad it is here because now we can't have anymore fun in the sun, but I am happy because I don't have to water my flowers anymore! We are pretty impressed with my flowers this year.  They all lived the entire summer!! A first for me! I may have planted them a bit too early because I am sick of watering flowers. Maybe the MT summers are perfect for me with only three months to keep beautiful flowers. I started mine in April this year because I couldn't wait! Next year I will wait :)

Fuchsia...the coolest, but also the messiest! 

Awesome tropical plant Nate bought. Just bloomed a few weeks ago!

little caterpillar

So cool!

I love how he actually sits on the steps

Mom's handy work

more mom's work

Mother Nature's handy work. Isn't she so nice!
We pulled them once this summer and they came back faster and larger. We plan on redoin the front yard so we left them. Yes, it is embarrassing. Believe it or not, we kind of match the neighborhood! :)

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