
Seattle Seahawk Season Opener

Football season has started!!!! I am only excited because now I get "me" time to do whatever I want while Nate is into his games :)

When Nate and I were little we both happened to be 49er fans and the season opener was against them! Nate searched for sweet tickets and of course he came out with more than sweet tickets!! He is so awesome at looking for deals. We had club level seats for $32! We purchased the tickets as a set of 4 and sold 2 to some college kids. I feel bad-- they pretty much paid for us to attend the game.

We didn't know who to cheer for and didn't want to get beat up by some Seahawk fans so we went neutral.  The Seahawks came out with the W!!!!

 The crowd in front of us

and behind us. So many people!!!

 The terrible straight lines. They were adults!

We were wearing blue and green so we were kind of going for the Seahawks. Our friends wouldn't have been happy if we cheered for the 9ers :)

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