
Echo Lake

Nate and I were lucky enough to make another trip back to MT {YAH!!} to kill three birds with one stone - see brother Vince & Lena AND Jaimee & Cole AND be at the lake!! Triple WOO HOO! ok, make that 5 woo hoo, Jake and his friend from TX made it for a day and Jaimee's brother, Nate & his girlfriend, Kari! (only missing Tia and Jake- she had a friend's wedding in Boise to attend) The trip was a wonderful, relaxing time with great conversation, games, and delicious food! The pictures will explain how much fun was had by all!!

Here are some blog approved pics :) There are alot!

First night camp out! I was really pleased with the timer and smoke cooperation! 


MSU Cat Dancers!

I find it very interesting how our little brother became VERY good friends without us forcing them. Vince's freshman roommate, randomly chosen, was Nate's best friend from home! Both are civil engineer nerds, too! how weird :)

Rearranging everything to fit our 5 vehicles and 2 boat trailers on the property. 

Lena and Kari

The youngins'

sibling love {i swear i have a suit on}

Jake and Petee

Vince and Nate

Lena and Kari

Cole and Nate

Nate and "The Expert Surfer, Cole"
He's awesome! No rope!

Vince picked it up fast

oops! ;) 

I look a little timid, but I am mastering it now

Jaimee is a rockstar!

Go Lena!

Do you think this handsome man looks Italian? 

Sweet crash photo!

Timer was a success again!

Montana is so beautiful!

And then my camera died. I was very upset. We still had half a day left. 

I took the rest from Kari's FB 
We never went hungry since there were some mother hens in the group. :) Jaimee cooked tacos the first night which came in very handy the rest of our time there. {wasn't in picture taking mode yet. dang!}

Vince and I cooked up Dad's spaghetti for our dinner night.  

about to down another one of Jaimee's delicious concoctions! 
Who's more excited? oldies or youngins? :)

Just call him 'Jay Jr.' Stance and all.


 These trips make me homesick...ALOT! I love my family and friends and miss everyone dearly! 
Can't wait for my next trip back to MT! Christmas. :(  too long!

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