
Snow & Cats

I got a little creative itch in me last night and wanted breakfast for dinner. I remember my Grammy making Mickey Mouse pancakes for her grandkids and then I thought of the cookie cutters my mom got us. So I had some Montana pancakes.  Snowflakes and the Cats! 

Nate is normally the breakfast chef. I might have to take over that duty. These were eye pleasing and  pretty yummy even considering they were the heathy high fiber ones. 

Who wants breakfast at the Knutson's house!?


ok ok, I know that was not a fun game to you all that actually read our blog. I never intended on taking so long to post after I wrote. I received a lot of "what's the surprise" and really, there isn't a surprise. :) Just another project Nate and I tackled together!!

One of our very giving friends is letting us borrow his projector if we bought a new lightbulb it needs. Nate, of course, could not turn it down. So his internet searching started and two weeks later we now have this.

We finished it last Saturday night at 12:30. I needed my sleep but Nate couldn't wait to watch a movie. So he watched Management while I slept on the couch. Surprise, I know :)

Here are some process photos!

We almost bought the wrong wood. And I won't tell you that Nate had to go back because our first 45 degree angles were not 45 degrees. ;) There is always one mess up in any project we do!

My happy husband! His dream just became a reality! 
(and some towels I needed to fold. oops!)

The dogs showed their excitement by kissing. eewww!

And then fighting :)

Nate was in Missoula this past week for work. I was able to enjoy the big screen with my girl friends this week watching movies. I pick Nate up at 7:30 tonight. I think I know where he will be all weekend-- I will be right next to him :) 


A surprise!

 Photos coming soon!

No, I am not pregnant. Just thought I would tell you now so you don't get your hopes up :)


Busy Season

Nate started his busy season so it is a perfect time for me to get busy with something. Tia sent me a Christmas puzzle before Christmas and I now just had time to put it together. It was an impossible without edges and 5 left over pieces.  I decided to put a puzzle together thinking it would take me a while -- 5 days, not long enough. There was also a problem when I finished it. I was missing five pieces from the puzzle and had six left over. Is there someone who can explain this to me? Tia, did you throw in some extras to trick me? Nate said Bridger may have eaten some. Who knows! I have another project I will start after I get some ironing done--never ending!

New Office

I officially started working for the new owners of TheHomeMag last Monday. The envirnoment and management is a complete 180 from my previous situation. The owner is from a small town in Washington who loves to hunt and fish, has a family, always has a smile on his face and has a positive outlook on everything! I thought I would post some pictures of the new office. It's small, but perfect since we are starting out slim. I know Joan likes to see where I sit everyday. :)

My office

My view :)

MY birthday weekend!!

I am the big 25!!!!

On Saturday we went to the CrabPot, again, with our Montana friends. Then we went to the Owl and Thistle to listen to the band. They even played 'Walk the Line'--Grandpa was saying Happy Birthday to me! My real birthday on Sunday was absolutely wonderful! Nate cooked breakfast, we lounged around, took a few naps, got our lunches ready for the week, watched a movie, and had pizza for dinner! Perfect.

Thank you! I love you!

Hiking Mt. Tiger

We got lost! If I wasn't along for the scenic hike, I would have had to call search and rescue. We hiked one trail and I thought we were done and ready to go back to the car. Nope. Nate wanted to hike another! We were with two of Nate's friends otherwise I would have vetoed the other trail. We got a ways up with no end in sight. We decided to make the decision of going more or heading back. I made the decision. Head back before it gets dark. Good thing I was the decision maker. We got to our car right at sunset--4 hours later. whew!

It's a good thing we took that second trail because we came upon this lovely skull and some antique train tracks. There are some interesting things to look at on these mountains! The moss grows like leaves on some trees.

This is the highest we got. The boys were very disappointed.

They were pooped!

Mr. Fix It

I had to take photos while Nate fixed the faucet. He thought it was pretty ridiculous. It is a great memory. His 1st faucet fix!!! It was great success!


Hardware Stores, Grocery Stores, & Resturants

My Dad finally made a trip out to visit!!!!!!

We were so excited to show Dad and Mom around on the Eastside. They have been to Seattle many times, but haven't seen the area we live in. Mom did visit in February last year to help us get a little more settled.

While they were here Dad taught Nate and I how to fix the leaky faucet without buying a new one, replace the guts in a toilet, secure the towel rack, and put curtains up over our sliding glass door. Yes, we were due for a visit from a great teacher/handyman. Nate is becoming a wonderful handyman every weekend. (I picked a good one ;) ) I did get approval on the hardware store I took Dad to. He almost became a regular there!

We also took him to 6 different grocery stores. Is that a record? Yes, he is taking after Grandpa. He was very fascinated with the different grocery stores out here. He bought different cheeses, salami, and bread at all. Dad also cooked us spaghetti, steak and roast beef for dinner. Money can't buy how tasty those meals were. Needless to say, Nate and I didn't need to buy groceries for a week after they left.

Mom and I were able to go to the cute girly shops in Woodinville while the boys watched football. I always take her to my favorite shop, Molbaks. It's a nursery and gift shop like the Enchanted Room in Glendive. So awesome! We found new flowers to put above my fireplace. I LOVE them! Mom is soo good at decorating!

One morning Bridger was eating stuff out of the fireplace and came out like this. "Spot". He looks so cute with his little "smile" :)

I always wondered where the random black spots on his head came from. The fireplace. Who would of guessed. Dad warmed up to the dogs while he was here. He always tells me he is allergic--excuse. I know he just doesn't like the smell of dogs. I get my sensitive nose from him.
He also wanted his picture with them :)

Do you think they wanted it? teehee. Dad left loving them :)

I finally got to eat the feast at the CrabPot when they came. It is a favorite of theirs and they kept telling me to go try it. A year later! I forgot my camera. These are from my Mom's phone. I'm glad we were still able to document.

Have to wear the bibs. Of course I was the only one that got something on it. :)

The Westport Feast!!

All Done!!

The dogs could still smell and taste the fish even though we washed our hands. Can you believe Dad let them lick his hands for about 5 mins!

This is kind of dark, but you can see the stockings my mom made for us in the back :)

We all had a great time while they were here. I didn't want them to leave, but they had to go back to work so they could afford another trip out here! Dad was also ready to get a full nights sleep in his bed, watch tv in his recliner, and shovel his sidewalk. haha. Probably not the last one. They did, however, get a nice break from the snow and frigid cold. We can't wait for them to come out again! Summer or fall?

Thank you for everything! I Love you guys!