
A Blast from the Thanksgiving Past!

While I was home, my dad came across these photos and I am so grateful for him finding them. There were many great memories from dancing in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and looking back at these photos I remembered so much more!

Mom with the "Hello Deli" guy from David Letterman. She was tickled pink ;)

Yes, I was not thrilled about being a 'cheerleader'. They switch between cheer and dance routines. I happened to land on a cheer routine year. Boo...but I still had a BLAST!!!

Krista Holden in the center!

This one is for Vince. Legos!!! I am pretty sure that is real rope. What do you think, Vince?

Can't wait to go back -- not quite in our budget after hearing about the parent's trip to New York. eeek!!

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