

ok ok, I know that was not a fun game to you all that actually read our blog. I never intended on taking so long to post after I wrote. I received a lot of "what's the surprise" and really, there isn't a surprise. :) Just another project Nate and I tackled together!!

One of our very giving friends is letting us borrow his projector if we bought a new lightbulb it needs. Nate, of course, could not turn it down. So his internet searching started and two weeks later we now have this.

We finished it last Saturday night at 12:30. I needed my sleep but Nate couldn't wait to watch a movie. So he watched Management while I slept on the couch. Surprise, I know :)

Here are some process photos!

We almost bought the wrong wood. And I won't tell you that Nate had to go back because our first 45 degree angles were not 45 degrees. ;) There is always one mess up in any project we do!

My happy husband! His dream just became a reality! 
(and some towels I needed to fold. oops!)

The dogs showed their excitement by kissing. eewww!

And then fighting :)

Nate was in Missoula this past week for work. I was able to enjoy the big screen with my girl friends this week watching movies. I pick Nate up at 7:30 tonight. I think I know where he will be all weekend-- I will be right next to him :) 

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